I got a question from a reader about how to do this. Specifically, they were copying an application from one server to another and everything seemed to be going fine, except that there was no data in the resultant database on the target server. The reason for this is that when you copy Essbase apps between servers, the data does not get copied. If you copy the app on the server, it will copy the data. So, how do we accomplish this?
For BSO cubes, the easiest option to do a cross server data copy is to copy the application by right-clicking on it, selecting Copy, then choosing the target server. Then right-click on the database and select Export…. The export file will show up in your App folder were all of the Essbase applications are. On your new (but empty) database that you just created from a copy, you can load this data. If you have access to the File System locations, you can load the file across the servers, otherwise, you may have to copy/move the newly created export text file to a location that you can get to through the EAS Load file dialog box. You don’t need any load rules since the data is already formatted in a way that is native to the application (just don’t make any changes to the outline before you import the data).
As I mentioned, when you copy an application to a new name on the same server, it will take the data with it — and anything in same folder as the app, for that matter. So if you’re in the habit of storing gigs and gigs of text files in your database folder, get ready for a long wait as everything copies. At least in version 7 of Essbase, copying huge applications is not a very graceful operation — it can stall the server while files are copying. Even the best RAID setup can really take a pounding from all the reading and writing necessary to duplication an application.
For ASO databases, your options are a bit more limited since you can’t just do a database export. You can still copy the applcation (and all it’s rule files and report scripts and such) across servers, though. As I’m sure you’re aware by now, ASO databases can be quite a bit more fickle than BSO — and you’re quite used to ASO dumping all of your data when you even so much as look at the outline in the wrong way. But part of the reason you are using ASO in the first place is for the fast loading times, even with massive datasets. You can follow your same steps and load back data to ASO through EAS, or if you have setup your automation correctly, you can run your scripts and populate your new copy of the ASO application/database.