Do you have an Essbase or Hyperion blog? Let me know!

I follow a plethora (you like that vocab word for the day?) of Essbase and Hyperion blogs, in addition to other technical blogs I love to follow such as on ODI, cloud computing, big data, and iOS development. I think I have a pretty solid list of blogs but there are always new ones popping up that I want to know about! Do you have an Essbase, Hyperion, EPM or other related topic blog? Please email or tweet it to me!

Also, some of my favorite Essbase related blogs are linked at the footer of this website so check them out. And similarly if you like this blog then please consider adding it your blogroll or list of links so we can all share the Essbase blog lovin’.


Linux troubleshooting guide for system admins!

Most, but not all of my Essbase administration experience is on Windows servers. Linux support appeared years ago and has gotten much better – and more common – as the years have progressed. I ran Linux as my desktop for many years (Slackware, Fedora, Gentoo [shudder], Ubuntu, and more) before falling in love with OS X so I’m pretty comfortable on a Linux command line (and an OS X command line for that matter). But I came across this server troubleshooting article awhile back that has some absolutely awesome stuff in it, much of it new to me. If you need to get into a Linux system and start digging around to see what’s going on, this is an absolutely awesome guide.