Drillbridge handling dimensions with spaces

Drillbridge’s powerful mapping abilities handle most common transformations with ease – stripping a prefix, converting a month into digits, or letting you use the Java language itself to parse a string however you need. Every dimension that gets drilled from is represented as a variable that a Drillbridge administrator can use to build their own expression. For example, if there is a dimension called Years in the cube, and the user drills on a member named FY15, then on the report side of things, there will be a variable referenced as #Years that will have the value of “FY15”. From here it would be typical to use the #removeStarting function to strip off the FY, and perhaps prepend the string “20”, then use that in a database query.

Something interesting happens, however, when the dimension has spaces in it. Let’s say that the dimension name is “Time Periods”. For perhaps obvious reasons, Drillbridge can’t create a variable with a space in it, because it’d look like a variable followed by a string (like #Time Periods). Instead, Drillbridge will replace spaces with underscores for purposes of creating a variable. In this case the variable would be #Time_Periods.

So #Time_Periods is the variable that is used inside the token expression, but what about the name of a token? The name of a token should still be the name of the dimension, using spaces, not underscores.

Consider the following tokenized query:

FROM Transactions
"name" : "Time Periods",
"expression": "#monthAbbreviationToDigit(#Time_Periods)",
"drillToBottom": "true", "quoteMembers": "false"

As you can see, the name parameter has the space, but the expression uses the underscored version of the variable name. In this case we’re also using the very handy #monthAbbreviationToDigit built-in function that can convert month names like Jan, Feb, and so on to 1, 2, or the proper month number.

Drillbridge on Linux

Did I mention recently that Drillbridge can now be installed on Linux in addition to Windows (in fact, Drillbridge is so flexible, it now runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and AIX all out of the box!). WELL IT DOES!

So regardless if your Hyperion environment is running on Windows, Linux, or AIX, it’s now easier than ever to add Drillbridge to one of your servers and unlock the power of your detailed data for your users.

Drillbridge 1.5.0 available!

It took a little longer than anticipated (I took some genuine time off over the holiday break), but I am very happy to make Drillbridge version 1.5.0 available to download.

A lot of work has gone into this release. For example:

  • You can now drill from columns (!)
  • Use your own custom mappings to resolve member names (this is a super cool feature I wrote about earlier and it knocks the pants off of Essbase Studio (as far as I know) by allowing you to write in mappings for your own members that might not have children (for example, a YTD member in the Time dimension)
  • Streaming output performance enhanced
  • Now generates XLSX files with much better output (not everything is treated as a String – if the column type is DATE or TIME or TIMESTAMP, it gets treated and formatted accordingly)
  • Now run Drillbridge from Linux!
  • All files included that should allow for running on Windows, Linux, AIX, Solaris, and even Mac OS X
  • Java 7 or newer is required! I know this might be an inconvenience but I pretty much had to, and it’s good to get current with Java. Java 1.8/8 should work just fine as well in case you want to go all out

I have done my absolute best to test this version and make sure it doesn’t have any showstopper bugs but there are bound to be issues. There are a few things I know need to be worked on for the inevitable 1.5.1 release. So if you upgrade, please be sure to make backups so you can flip back to 1.3.3 or 1.3.4 or whatever your current version is, in case there’s something broken that you need.

If you have any questions about the new features and how to use them, don’t hesitate to hit up the forums or email. In the coming days I will be adding on to the Drillbridge Wiki with some info about how to set things up in terms of new features. There was recently a lot of spam activity on the wiki that I’m trying to sort out but for now it looks okay.

That all being said, this is the best release of Drillbridge ever and it now contains every feature I originally set out to put in, and then some. There will undoubtedly be some quirks but I look forward to a few point releases to stamp them out. Many or most of the features are from direct user requests, feedback, and ideas, so thanks to everyone.

Happy Drilling.

Drillbridge 1.4.0 Feature Preview: Custom Mappings

Drillbridge 1.4.0 is coming out later this month and it contains some really cool features. Today I am going to go over one of them. This feature is called “Custom Mappings” and while it’s ostensibly simple, it is a huge win for drill-through and cube design.

Consider the scenario where you are drilling from a member in the Time dimension. Drilling from January (Jan), February (Feb), and so on are straightforward (especially with Drillbridge’s convenience methods for mapping these to 01, 02 and such). Even drilling from upper-level members is a snap – Drillbridge gets handed the member Qtr1, for example, then opens the outline to get the three children, then applies the mappings to those and plugging it into the query (so the relevant query fragment might be WHERE Period IN ('01', '02', '03') or something.

Everything is great, right? Well, what about those YTD members you often see in ASO cubes as an alternate hierarchy? Something like this:

  • YTD (~)
    • YTD_Jan (~) Formula: [Jan]
    • YTD_Feb (~) Formula: [Jan] + [Feb]
    • YTD_Mar (~) Formula: [Jan] + [Feb] + [Mar]
    • etc.

The problem with these members is that they are dynamic calcs with no children. So if you try to drill on this, then Drillbridge would literally be querying the database for a period member named “YTD_Feb”, for example.

I have sort of worked around this before in Studio by instead putting shared members under these. Under YTD_Jan you have a shared member Jan, under YTD_Feb you have shared members Jan and Feb, and so on. This works, although it’s a bit cumbersome and feels a little clunky.

Custom Mappings to the Rescue!

Custom Mappings is a new Drillbridge feature that allows you to specify a list of member names to use when drilling on certain member names. If a Custom Mapping is added to a report, Drillbridge will consult that first for child member names. If a mapping isn’t found then Drillbridge will just use the normal provider of mappings (e.g. it’ll open the cube outline and use that).

All that’s needed to create custom mappings is to put them in a file. Here’s an example:













With this Custom Mapping in place on a report, drill-to-bottom can be provided on a cube’s Time dimension YTD members. You get all of this functionality without having to tweak the outline, add a bunch of shared members, or anything. And what’s even better – you’ll even save a whole trip to the outline. If there is some member that is problematic to resolve, for some reason, or you just wanted to override the member resolution process, you could also stick it in the custom mapping.

Just for completeness, let’s take a look at the admin screens for editing and updating Custom Mappings. Here’s an overview of all of the different Custom Mappings that have been created:

Drillbridge Custom Mappings List

Here’s a look at editing a Custom Mapping:

Drillbridge Edit Custom MappingAnd here’s previewing the list of individual mappings available for a given mapping (that have been uploaded by importing a text file):

Drillbridge View Entries in a Custom MappingThere you have it. As I mentioned, this feature will be available in upcoming release version 1.4.0, which should be out later this month. This feature is really, really cool, and there are a few more things this release adds that I will be talking about over the next week up to the release.

Drillbridge with Teradata & Netezza?

The ODTUG webinar for Drillbridge yesterday seemed to go pretty well (more to come soon!) but one of the questions that came up is if Drillbridge works with Teradata and/or Netezza for implementing Hyperion drill-through to relational. My answer: it should, but I don’t know for sure. Drillbridge supports Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL out of the box. Drillbridge also allows you to put your own JDBC driver into it’s /lib folder and you should be able to use any other flavor of database that you can write SQL for: be it Informix, DB2, Teradata, Netezza, or whatever.

So that being said, if you are interested in implementing Drillbridge and using one of these backend relational databases, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if I can help with it. I’d love to be able to confirm compatibility rather than to just say “I suspect it will work, JDBC is awesome, right?”

Daily Drillbridge Update

Lots of exciting things going on in the Drillbridge world! I am putting the finishing touches on my ODTUG webinar that is NEXT WEEK (the 28th!). You can register here or wait for the recording to be released. I’ll put a link on this blog.

The “context path” update in the Drillbridge 1.3.4 beta appears to be working swimmingly – enabling the use of a proxy with Oracle HTTP Server so that Drillbridge can be used on a normal web port and URL of your own choosing, so that’s super cool.

Source Code Metrics

Just for fun, I ran the Drillbridge codebase through a source code analyzer and it is just shy of 5,000 lines of Java, not counting over 1,000 lines of comments. Pretty cool stuff! Believe it or not, Drillbridge started out as a proof of concept with about 3 Java class files (now it’s weighing in with 120 classes).

Drillbridge 1.3.4 BETA available

The normal Downloads location now contains a beta of Drillbridge 1.3.4. This release only adds one requested feature: custom context paths. Normally, Drillbridge operates at the root of its web container, such as http://server:9220/admin/reports. This change adds support for putting in an application.properties variable that allows for a custom context path. So instead of the above link, you’d use http://server:9220/drillbridge/admin/reports. Note that the name of the root (in this case drillbridge) can be set to whatever.

If you use this feature you’ll have to edit your drill-through definition (the code that goes into EAS or gets deployed from Drillbridge) by hand, although you were probably doing that anyway if you needed this feature. This feature is simply meant to allow for putting IIS in front of Drillbridge in case you want to do a redirect and offer Drillbridge through your normal web server on port 80.

If you don’t need or want to test this feature, just stick with 1.3.3. The downloads section now clearly indicates that this is a beta.

Drillbridge 1.3.3 Update 2

Such is the case with software, but there were a few other issues pointed out to me, this time with Excel file generation. So, the good news is that I fixed it (I think) and actually fixed another small issue that I noticed could pop up (and edge case with certain types of reports).

Excel files will now be generated in streaming mode, as with the much enhanced report generation, so that’s cool. Also, unlike before, the Excel file generation will now honor the Smart Formatting option if you have that turned on, so that’s even more awesome.

One bad thing I just discovered, though, that I hadn’t though of, is a quirk with trying to download Excel files from Drillbridge pages that are paged. This is a bit problematic due to how to write the query, so for the time being I must say: no Excel file download on reports with Enable Paging turned on. I have tweaked the HTML so this option won’t even show.

Paging turns out to be a somewhat problematic issue due to the complexities of supporting multiple database backends, performance, and other things. So for now it’s just considered experimental.

A new Drillbridge 1.3.3 package has been uploaded to the download site with the aforementioned fixes.

Thanks again to those of you providing feedback and living on the bleeding edge of this thing. Version 1.3.1 is still the gold standard for now but 1.3.3 is just about there, I think. In any case, things should settle down from here on out in terms of major code changes.

Happy Drilling.

Drillbridge 1.3.3 re-updated

There was a little issue in Drillbridge causing editing reports to not work. This was due to a column I introduced whose SQL code to update the internal Drillbridge database was not set correctly, so the column didn’t get added. Then when you would go to edit a report, it would try to query a non-existing column, causing it to fail. I’ve since fixed this and re-uploaded Drillbridge 1.3.3. Please let me know if any other issues.