The Complete Guide to Essbase 21 on Docker

This post will be something of a followup to my Kscope22 presentation on creating an Essbase 21 Docker image. Back in June during the presentation, I mentioned that while the images I had created prior to the conference were working fine, when I went to rebuild them for purposes of confirming the presentation details and creating new screenshots, I was inexplicably running into issues with the Essbase server. It would seem to start up fine, but I couldn’t actually login. I now know what that issue was and in the steps that I’ll describe in this post, I’ll call out what the fix is.

Unlike my previous efforts to build an Essbase Docker image based on the EPM product line, the Essbase 21 Docker image actually relies on Oracle’s own scripts that they provide. This post will completely walk you through everything you need to do to create your own Essbase 21 Docker image, including how to patch it to a later point release such as 21.3, how to fix the bug I was running into in June, how to run it, load some sample data, share it with others, and different URLs for using the REST API, XMLA, and more.

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