Essbase Outline Export Parser released

I had a use-case today where I needed to parse an XML file created by the relatively new MaxL command “export outline”. This command generates an XML file for a given cube for either all dimensions or just all dimensions you specify. I just needed to scrape the file for the hierarchy of a given dimension, and that’s exactly what this tool does: pass in an XML file that was generated by export outline, then pass in the name of a dimension, and the output to the console will be a space-indented list of members in the dimension. More information on usage at the Essbase Outline Export Parser GitHub page including sample input, sample output, and command-line usage.

Also note that the venerable Harry Gates has also created something similar that includes a GUI in addition to working on the command line. While both written in Java, we’re using different methods to parse the XML. Since I’m more familiar/comfortable with JAXB for reading XML I went with that, which in my experience gives a nice clean and extensible way to model the XML file and read it without too much trouble. The code for this project could be easily extended to provide other output formats.

One thought on “Essbase Outline Export Parser released

  1. Relatively new is a relative term. It looks like it came in 11.1.2!

    I suppose that’s only 5 years old. *grin*


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