cubeSavvy Review

User Experience

At present, cubeSavvy allows for the definition of grids (including their dimensionality, calcs, and so on), and also allows for organizing grids into folders to help organize them for the users. Most likely the folders will be used to organize things along certain steps in a process or around certain operational areas. For the user’s part, they login to cubeSavvy using their browser, and are then presented with a list of grids. Clicking on a grid brings it up with data:

cubeSavvy user grid


As this is a user-based system with the express intent of soliciting input from users, it’s a simple matter of inputting the data. Just click on a cell and type in a new value. This is pretty much the crux of the cubeSavvy user experience right now: load a grid, dial in the page if needed, see refreshed data, make edits if needed, submit data. Conceptually this is similar to the Planning experience.


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7 thoughts on “cubeSavvy Review

  1. Jason,

    Excellent article. I had never heard of cubeSavvy but will now check it out.

    Thank you for sharing!

    Have you ever tried using Dodeca for budgeting instead of Planning? Just curious.


    • Yes I have used Dodeca – in fact, I rolled out one of the earliest and largest (at that point) Dodeca deployments several years ago! I am going to do a long blog series on Dodeca as soon as possible. As I said, I am working through the third-party Hyperion ecosystem this year and next on the list is something quite interesting, followed by Dodeca. Stay tuned. :D

  2. Jason,

    Two things I didn’t see:
    1) How is dimensional security in grids represented? Does it follow the user’s username and so metaread filters would suffice or does cubeSavvy use a “ghost user” to do logins and handles security some other way?
    2) Is there any way to pass grid POV, page, row, and column settings to some kind of calc script execution stage? I am thinking either the way Planning forms work with business rules (not bad, but could use some real improvement in the row and column area) or the way tokens work in Dodeca (even better because if you set the views up just right you can drive aggregations in BSO with row and column information).

    Otherwise a very intriguing product.


    Cameron Lackpour

  3. […] you come up for air next week. It has been a busy week on my end, what with doing a fairly deep cubeSavvy review, building elegant/robust/awesome solutions for clients, polishing up open source Essbase […]

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