I am pleased to release another small one-off Hyperion-related open-source tool into the wild: Hyperion Parent Inferrer. This Java program/library can be used to translate a space-delimited hierarchy file into one with explicit parent-child mappings. For example, consider the following input file:
Time Q1 January February March Q2 April May June Q3 July August September Q4 October November December
Hyperion Parent Inferrer will generate the following output:
null,Time Time,Q1 Q1,January Q1,February Q1,March Time,Q2 Q2,April Q2,May Q2,June Time,Q3 Q3,July Q3,August Q3,September Time,Q4 Q4,October Q4,November Q4,December
As with most of the things I release these days, this tool is just a cleaned up version of something that I needed or used once or twice. In this case I wrote this up to help with a conversion process at some time in the past.
Now, I’m not saying that the approach I had to take was ideal or there weren’t better solutions. But oftentimes the environment that we operate in is less than ideal and you just gotta find a way to duct tape everything together. Hence this tool. The code as it sits today works perfectly fine but does not provide much in the way of configurability or options that might make it useful in more contexts. But as with some of the other projects I have released, I thought it would be nice to toss this over the fence in case anyone can benefit from it.
If you find a use for this or want to show me your clever Python/Perl one-liner that does the same thing, let me know!