Fixing an esoteric Oracle Incremental Merge Update Knowledge module bug with journalizing and an aggregate function

Editing knowledge modules is not for the faint of heart. KMs translate your interfaces and other fun business things into executable code. In short, they convert ODIs mostly declarative what definition of jobs into executable units by taking care of the how. There are numerous options available to interfaces and these largely affect the code that is generated for your job.

I ran into a problem the other week where my integration into an Oracle schema by way of the Oracle Incremental Update (MERGE) IKM from a journalized data source using an aggregate function was not working.

Thankfully, someone else had run into this issue and Google turned up a quite helpful OTN post that solved 99% of the problem for me. But the post is from a little while ago and didn’t fully work for me.

Here’s the relevant fix code from the brave and helpful OTN poster:

<%if ((odiRef.getGrpBy().length() > 0) && (odiRef.getPop("HAS_JRN").equals("1"))) {%>

This doesn’t quite work, owing to a relatively new ODI feature: multiple data sets in the source of an interface. Multiple data set are a really, really cool feature that were added a bit ago. They basically let you take the UNION of different data sources and integrate them to the same target. This is useful in contrast to needing to interfaces for the same target. You can also do the intersection and minus out rows too but I haven’t quite had occasion to use that just yet.

As it pertains to us, though, there’s a parameter on much of the ODI generated code now that is used to specify which of the data sets to perform an action on. Here’s the updated updated (yes, that’s two updated’s in a row).

<% if ((odiRef.getGrpBy(i).length() > 0) && (odiRef.getPop("HAS_JRN").equals("1"))) {%>

Note the addition of the (i) in two places which is how the dataset is specified. Many thanks to the original poster for helping out in the first place and helping me fix my issue.

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